16 Theories About Synchronicity (From Weird to Probable)

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Author: Maj


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You do have these meaningful or hard-to-explain coincidences. Jung coined synchronicities in his theory about why coincidences with meaning happen. But what other theories exist on synchronicity? From sceptics to believers, let’s take a dive to see if they help us find meaning in this uncanny realm.

theories explaining synchronicity overlaid words over a lake with reflections of mountainous country

Synchronicity: Carl G. Jung (1875–1961) introduced the term to describe what he saw in his profession “…to describe circumstances that appear meaningfully related yet lack a causal connection.”

As I wrote in Signs of Synchronicity: Examples in Life, synchronicities are a thing for me. Often, their meaning is obscure. So why does it happen?

Where is science today on this subject? What theories explain synchronicity?

Here’s a list of 15 reasons used by people to justify intriguing coincidences of the unexplainable type…

1. Jung: Unconscious mind connections

Jung published proof supporting his concept of synchronicity in a book (Amazon link), co-authored with theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate W. Pauli.

In it, he recounts the story of the Golden scarab beetle (a piece of jewellery) and the coincidence of a scarab beetle appearing at the window.

He proposed the account, and others like it, are due to a mysterious connection between the person’s psyche and the world of matter.

2. Confirmation bias

Scientists (those who study psychological, cognitive, emotional, cultural and social effects) theorise that synchronicity rests on confirmation bias.

What this means is that our brains are wired in a way that we lean towards noticing or believing something that confirms our ideas and we ignore those that don’t.

Another way of putting it is that you are motivated by wishful thinking.

For example, your new boyfriend has a yellow Toyota and suddenly you start seeing yellow Toyotas everywhere whereas before you considered them fairly rare.

3. Many worlds or multiverse

Quantum physics ignites this theory that “many worlds” or a “multiverse” exists to explain meaningful coincidences. BERNARD BEITMAN, MD writes about this. Check out his book Connecting with Coincidence (Amazon affiliate link).

The numerous possible universes occur parallel. And, somehow they can mesh? Or you may come to a crossroads of possible future scenarios.

A sci-fi depiction: In the 2015 Synchronicity the parallel universes and time dimensions that collide result in uncanny experiences or synchronicities.

4. Spiritual signs

These are signs confirming you are on the right spiritual path.

I give examples in my article on signs from the universe or pure coincidences.

Could it be The Universe, Angels, or God reaching out to us?

This theory is based on a spiritual connection with a higher power giving you a lesson or a blessing.

One example: In Eat Pray Love, author Elizabeth Gilbert petitions God to resolve her agonizing, drawn-out wait for her husband signing her divorce papers. Within hours, she receives a call from her lawyer to say that it was done. Kind of freaky, eh? But, can be seen as a blessing from God.

5. X-file theories

It’s ghouls, ghosts or spirits playing tricks on you. Omens are at it, either helping or interfering. (I’m not a believer in this, by the way).

6. Loved one who has passed over

A loved one is sending you messages from the other side. They are acting in your interest to try and tell you something

7. An invisible energy force

Hindus consider synchronicities manifest from Brahman or the energy that connects everything in the universe. Many cultures across the world believe in such a life force – See my article on spiritual vibrations and life force energy.

Energy comes from tiny atoms vibrating. One idea is that synchronicities occur when energy forces are in harmony or in sync with each other.

8. You’re going crazy

You’re probably not.

“The primary reality of synchronicities is emotional, not intellectual,” says Mark Holland, co-author of Synchronicity

9. We’re living in a matrix

The simulation hypothesis tries to explain synchronicity as part of a larger orchestration of our lives, not unlike the Truman Show.

The Simulation Hypothesis: An MIT Computer Scientist Shows Why AI, Quantum Physics and Eastern Mystics All Agree We Are In a Video Game
available at Amazon
(affiliate link)

The Matrix movies hold a resemblance to this concept.

10. Fate or destiny

It’s just meant to happen. It’s your fate or destiny.

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.

C. G. Jung

11. Psychic abilities

Your super intuitive power manifests synchronicities.

12. Law of attraction

The law of attraction explains synchronicity as a “like attracts like”. Your projected thoughts and feelings bring forth either good or bad experiences – manifestation.

13. Alien Contact

Is life from another part of the universe speaking to us?

In the context of life from another part of the universe speaking to us through synchronicity, the idea is intriguing and falls into the realm of cosmic interconnectedness.

If we consider the vastness of the universe and the possibility of intelligent life forms beyond our planet, it’s not entirely implausible that these beings could be trying to communicate with us through subtle signs and synchronicities.

Perhaps these messages are meant to guide us, offer wisdom, or simply remind us of the interconnectedness of all things in the universe. While this concept may seem far-fetched to some, the mystery of synchronicity leaves room for such imaginative interpretations.

14. Living in the flow

Living in the flow attracts synchronicities.

It’s about being present, staying connected to your intuition. You are more receptive to the signs and opportunities that come your way.

Living in the flow refers to being in a state of alignment with the universe, where everything seems to effortlessly fall into place.

You may start noticing more synchronicities in your life, such as meeting the right people at the right time or receiving unexpected opportunities that align with your desires.

15. Apophenia

This is the concept of seeing connections and patterns in an unrelated matter where the mind interprets (supposedly in error) something meaningful in random or meaningless data. For example, seeing a face in the wallpaper pattern.

Confirmation bias is a form of this phenomenon.

16. Waking dreams

Psychoanalyst, Gibbs A. Williams PhD believes we unconsciously create synchronicities as a way of solving our problems.1

He considers them waking dreams.

Here’s a (not so) weird theory

As Google and Facebook work on technology to read minds, watch for intentional synchronicities in a future techno world. These corporations already use AI to show consumers ‘relevant’ information.

In case you thought it was synchronicity, the mystery of seeing something you had searched for or mentioned earlier, suddenly appearing everywhere you go in the digital sphere has long been exposed as technology and algorithms at work to show you more of the same in the hope of you buying more of the same (just one example).

Info sources

  1. Williams, Gibbs A. 2010. Demystifying Meaningful Coincidences (Synchronicities): The Evolving Self, the Personal Unconscious, and the Creative Process. Lanham, Md. : Jason Aronson.

Before you go…

Science can’t explain synchronicity and people give various accounts of these meaningful coincidences. Read my next article on interpreting your meaningful coincidences, step by step:


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Me Hos

Hi, I'm Maj. I'm the founder and editor of this site where you'll find articles about trusting your intuition and looking at synchronicities in everyday life. My articles are based on lived experience and what I discover in literature, research, and other's expressions of their experiences.