This site’s goal is to inspire others to live intuitively by sharing tips on following your heart, trusting your gut, using intuition for decision-making, developing intuition, letting go of control, synchronicity, raising your vibration, on being an intuitive, and the spiritual side of intuition.
Many of us dream of living and loving the way we intend. We want to be happy and no longer struggle. Just knowing the right decisions to make can mean a huge difference.
For many people, logic and reasoning dominate their actions and behaviors, and they feel trapped because of their decisions. Some are caught in toxic situations and longing for peace.
At Heart of Substance, I’m sharing what I’ve discovered and my take on aspects of intuition and synchronicities from experiences I’ve been privy to over the years.
How do we cultivate and trust our intuition? How do we use it to navigate the ups and downs of life in a way that feels authentic and loving?
These are the questions Heart of Substance covers, delving into the transformative power of intuition. Join me on this journey of self-discovery on ways to make life flow effortlessly through the power of intuition.
Our FAQs page may answer more of what you wish to know about Heart of Substance. For definition of jargon, and acronyms that are frequently used in this space, see Heart of Substance’s Glossary page.
founder and Chief Editor of Heart of Substance
Hi, I’m Maj. I founded this site out of interest in being guided by intuition and a curiosity about the synchronicities in my life. My articles are based on lived experience and what I discover in literature, research, and other’s expressions and experiences.
I happen to be a creative who writes and likes to explore fascinating topics (I have a strong curiosity). I’m an introvert and intuitive on the Meyer-Briggs scale of personalities.
My life experience is wide and varied. I’ve spent many years interviewing and helping people in difficult times and have gleaned a lot from the numerous interactions.
My career life has seen me in professions ranging from roles in hospitality to social services to analytical research and management. Many doors opened for me and I have gained much success from trusting in and following my intuition of which I’m thankful.
My partner and I now live in a cosy coastal town of Australia, with its mild winters (but quite sultry summers). I love going barefoot everywhere at home and along the beach.
I also work with others in this community to revegetate dunes and other coastal parts in my area. Spending time in nature like this quietens the mind. It helps you tune in to your inner voice and gain clarity of your thoughts and feelings.
My other pastimes include solving puzzles, DIY projects, playing board games, and I also garden. Every morning I do a tour of my garden, harvesting edibles and flowers. I meditate most days and create my own journals, inspired by Natasa Marinkovic’s Treasure Bookmaking (Amazon affiliate link). Natasa also has a YT channel I follow.
Follow your dream.
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