Intuition and Creativity: BFFs in the Quest for Awesome Ideas

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Author: Maj


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While intuition and creativity are different concepts, they share similarities. What you’ll find is that there’s a two-way street in that intuition helps unlock creativity and, vice versa, creativity helps spark intuition. Here you’ll find prompts for both…

Featured Intuition And Creativity

How to use creativity to spark Your Intuition

To solve your problems and bring about the best outcome in your big decisions, try a creative outlet to help you get you in ‘the flow’ and tap your intuition.

When you’re at your best being creative you are in “the flow”. Your mind wanders and explores. You’re accessing the deeper parts of your mind, allowing your intuition space to guide you.

You may be surprised how this works.

If you’re feeling stuck or unsure about a pending situation, try being creative. It doesn’t have to be perfect or even purposeful. Allow yourself to have fun without judgment.

Creative ideas to spark intuition:

  1. Free Writing:
    Set a timer for 10-15 minutes and write down whatever comes to mind without worrying about structure or grammar. This technique helps you tap into your subconscious and access intuitive thoughts and feelings.
  2. Mind Mapping:
    Start with a central idea and create a visual map of related concepts and ideas. This technique helps your brain connect and identify patterns that yield intuitive insights.
  3. Play:
    Try playing with art supplies, toys, or other objects that inspire you. Allow yourself to explore and experiment without worrying about the outcome.
  4. Collage:
    Cut out images and words from magazines or newspapers and arrange them in a way that feels meaningful to you. This can help you tap into your intuition and find new connections and ideas.
  5. Doodling:
    It can help stimulate the imagination and spur creative thinking, providing insights and breakthroughs you may not have arrived at through logical reasoning alone.
  6. Music Jam Session:
    Grab your musical instrument or simply play your favorite songs. Let the music guide your emotions and creativity as you lose yourself in the rhythm.
  7. Poetry Writing:
    Explore your feelings through poetry. Write a poem about your day, a memory, or something that inspires you. Let your words flow freely and express your inner thoughts.
  8. Dance Movement:
    Put on your favorite music and dance like nobody’s watching. Allow your body to move freely and express your emotions through movement.
  9. Vision Board Creation:
    Collect images, quotes, and words that represent your goals and dreams. Arrange them on a board to create a visual representation of what you want to manifest in your life. Let your creativity flow as you design your vision board.
  10. Clay Modelling:
    Working with clay engages your senses, stimulates your imagination, and allows you to express yourself in a tactile and hands-on manner. As you shape and mold the clay, you are free to experiment, make mistakes, and explore different possibilities without fear of judgment. This can help you get a deeper connection with your inner wisdom.

Here’s how this works: By engaging in simple and repetitive creative activities, you can quiet the chatter in your mind and this allows room for intuition.

Using Intuition to spark creativity

Intuition taps into your subconscious mind, where creative ideas are born. This is because you access deeper levels of creativity and inspiration when your mind is free from conscious thought and analysis.

It can lead to breakthrough ideas and truly original concepts that would not have been possible if you were relying solely on your conscious mind.

Here are some intuitive prompts to help spark your creativity as a creative artist:

1. Childhood memory
Close your eyes and envision your favorite childhood memory. How can you translate the emotions from that memory into a piece of art?

2. Random Object
Pick a random object from your surroundings and imagine it coming to life. How would it move, speak, or interact with its environment?

3. Dreams
Think about a recent dream you had. What symbols or themes stood out to you? Create a visual representation of that dream and explore its deeper meaning.

4. Experiment
Experiment with a new medium or technique you’ve never tried before. How does working with this new element inspire your creativity?

5. Connect with Nature
Take a walk outside and observe the colors, shapes, and patterns in nature. How can you incorporate these elements into your next artwork?

6. Music
Play your favorite song and let the music guide your brush strokes or pencil marks. How does the rhythm and melody influence your artistic expression?

7. Piece of Text
Choose a powerful quote or phrase that resonates with you. Create a piece of art that captures the essence of those words and conveys their message visually.

8. Exchange Ideas
Collaborate with another artist or friend on a joint project. How does combining your unique styles and perspectives enhance the creative process?

…the role of intuition in creativity should not be neglected as it is often reported to be a core component of the idea generation process

Pétervári et al, 2016

Many successful artists, writers, entrepreneurs, and musicians attribute their business and career success to following their intuition and allowing it to guide their creativity and innovations. Be sure to check out my article on real-life success stories of intuitive people.

So next time you’re feeling stuck, try relying on your intuition and see where it takes you.

How intuition can help you take creative risks

Intuition might mean stepping outside of your comfort zone.

Trusting your intuition and taking this risk may help you unlock a creative potential you didn’t know you had and take your work a new level.

Intuition and creativity In Sync

The amazing works of Michelangelo demonstrate intuition and creativity working together.

The actual science behind the “wiring” is not well established, but a 2019 study found that Intuition and creativity overlap and observations indicate they have parallels in that they both involve…

  • Recognition of patterns
  • Inner resourcefulness
  • Developed and honed experience

The science is not settled on which part of the brain these qualities come from. Some refer to them as right-brained attributes. They do seem to go hand in hand which suggests they involve the same area of the brain.

Intuitive thinking is said to involve the recognition of patterns (see my article on the science behind intuition). So does creativity. A writer, for instance, might derive a new plot twist from recognizing the pattern in how a particular character evolves.

While some people may be naturally more intuitive or creative than others, those who aren’t can strengthen their ability…

From meditation and mindfulness practices to brainstorming techniques and creative exercises, there are many ways to tap into your intuition and unleash your creative potential. Be sure to read my articles on the following:

intuition, heart of substance

Heart of Substance

covers the importance of intuition in relationships, business, career, and study. Who uses it? Why trust in it? How to develop it, and more...

Me Hos

Hi, I'm Maj. I'm the founder and editor of this site where you'll find articles about trusting your intuition and looking at synchronicities in everyday life. My articles are based on lived experience and what I discover in literature, research, and other's expressions of their experiences.