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How To Develop Your Intuition: Tips and Tricks

Author: Maj


Last Updated:

Imagine if you could pay attention to your intuitive thought processes and use them to help you make the right choices faster when faced with critical decisions. Think about it! Wouldn’t life flow better?

Trusting your intuition can be a crucial step in making life decisions in terms of choices that align with your values and goals, and lead you towards a fulfilling life.

Here are some tips and tricks to help you develop your intuition:

key takeaway: make space for intuition by:

  • Having a daily habit of getting comfy and meditating
  • Connecting with nature
  • Healing blocked energy, e.g. through Reiki
  • Journaling
  • Doodling
  • Drawing, color in, or do something else creative
  • Standing in a shower to clear the ‘noise’
  • Going on a retreat or to a spa for relaxation
  • Doing an activity that doesn’t require mindpower
  • Taking a ‘Sunday’ drive
  • Using apps for relaxation and de-stressing
  • Listening to relaxing music

Create space for silence and reflection

It’s easy to get caught up in the noise of your thoughts and the demands of others. To develop your intuition, create space for silence and reflection. This can be through meditation, journaling, or simply taking a walk in nature.

Trust your gut feelings

Intuition is often described as a “gut feeling”. To hone your intuition, it’s important to trust these feelings and act on them. This can be challenging at first, especially if you’re used to making decisions based on logic or external factors. But with practice, you’ll learn to recognize and trust your intuition more easily.

Pay attention to your body

Our bodies are incredibly intuitive, and can provide us with valuable information about our thoughts and emotions. Pay attention to physical sensations like butterflies in your stomach, tension in your shoulders, or a racing heartbeat. These can be clues to what your inner voice is trying to tell you.

Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment, without judgment. It can help you become more aware of your thoughts and emotions, and develop a deeper connection with your intuition. You can practice mindfulness through meditation, yoga, or simply by taking a few deep breaths throughout the day.

Seek out new experiences

To develop your intuition, it helps to expose yourself to new experiences and perspectives. This can help you broaden your understanding of the world within and without, and develop a more nuanced intuition. Try new foods, travel to new places, or engage in activities that challenge you in new ways.

Tricks to spark intuition to make decisions

  • Brainstorm (without judgment or editing)
  • Ask your intuition a question, accepting the answer
  • Ask an imaginary mentor in your mind
  • Look into your mind’s eye
  • Flip a coin
  • Sleep on it
  • Open a magazine, or book at a random page (selecting a random paragraph)

Use what resonates with you. If you have a block towards any of the above (for me it’s flipping a coin), it won’t work.

Be aware of sudden feelings or physical sensations. Listen, and observe what your body tells you. Carry a notebook or use your notes app to write down sudden enlightenment. These things will help improve your intuition.

It will come as a flow of ideas, a message, or an image channeled at random.

Final Thoughts

The emphasis on our development since we started our formal schooling has been on reasoning and logic.

Our intuitive abilities have been left to experience. Yet, science tells us we are all born with these abilities, and testimonies of achievers tell us intuition will take you further than logic alone.

So, developing your intuition is worth it.  Though, it requires trust and practice, allowing space for intuitive thoughts and messages, and confidence in acting.

The next article in this series discusses the common dilemma of knowing whether it’s your intuition or emotional urges that are driving you.


  1. https://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/richard-de-crespigny/how-to-make-good-decisions-when-the-stakes-are-high/
intuition, heart of substance


Heart of Substance covers the importance of intuition in relationships, business, career, and study. Who uses it? Why trust in it? How to develop it, and more...

Me Hos

Hi, I'm Maj,

I'm the founder and editor of this site where you'll find articles about intuitive living and tools to help you succeed at it. What I provide is from lived experience and what I discover in literature, research, and other's expressions of their experiences.